famille expérimentale
the Basnoda
Basnoda was designed at Bernard Magné's suggestion for the setting of a vertical, palindromic sentence by Georges Perec. It reads, upright, from left to right, then from left to right - though in this latter case upside down. Other palindromic signs have been created in addition to the 11 required for the above-mentioned sentence. This did not escape the sagacious eye of Guillaume Pô.

L’ascention de L’Etna, Guillaume Pô published by Cymbalum Pataphysicum, 1998
Triple-time text : 1.Climbing mount Edna (Gararond). 2. Rewriting the story and a palindrome of 983 letters. The letters are distributed backwards (le Miroir). from the « pivot » letter at the center of the book. 3. Third version of the story in vertical reversible palindromes (Basnoda).
Extract from l’Ascension de l’Etna, Livre à l’envers, Guillaume Pô, 1998. photo © Pascal Houdart